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Dr Sai Suvajit Acharjee

06 Feb, 2024

Marriage line

Marriage line are indicated at the edge of the small finger, in between the mount of Mercury and the Heart line, as very short marks almost on the very side of the hand and runs parallel to Heart line. Only lines with proper clarity and short one refer to deep affection. Marriage lines are also called lines of sexuality or lines of Affection.

When the Marriage lines are deep clear, well developed and close to the heart line, marriage will take place early for the native, happy married life, but other indications of palm is in favour and sexuality strive early in the childhood. But, when the Marriage line is near to the little finger, the sexual pleasure is attained after the age 32 or more. Late and early marriage are examined not only by the Marriage line indication, but also depends on the mount of Jupiter and Saturn.

If there are two Marriage lines, one near the Heart line and other near the little finger, it means that sexuality will be from adolescence and will be even after the middle age.

If the Marriage line bend towards the Heart line, it directs poor health of wife/husband and if the Marriage line cuts the Heart line, the death of the partner at first is possible and if not then sure sign of divorce.

If the Marriage line is curving upward towards the little finger, the spouse will leave the other or marriage will be after long struggle.

If the Heart line is broken, chained, island formed, it will cause harm to the married life. Many Marriage lines denote extramarital affair before and may be after marriage depending on the nature of the palm.

If there is fork at the end of the Marriage line, it indicates the split between the two or even divorce. It is always unfavourable for the married life and end up the relation. The relationship ends totally because of the partner’s fork line.

Island on the marriage line shows delay in marriage or problem before marriage. An island at the end of the Marriage line is not good, it gives distress in married life. It also tends to divorce after long sorrow.

Moles and black spots are unfavourable, if these marks are found on the palm of a woman, marriage will not be good, husband will fall ill and will die.

A cross on the mount of Jupiter indicates happy married life The mount of Mars is also an important factor which needs to be considered for good relations and love affairs.

There are so many other factors of the line Marriage which I will provide in due course……….

Thanks to all the my readers.
